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个体在大语言模型时代的正确行走姿态是什么 How should an individual respond to the age of LLMs



游戏商业化运营-活动推送转化报表 Cracking the activity conversion report task
Copilot-如何使用AI代码生产助手 Part1 Copilot helps secure the coding journey
分析生产管线自动化 Data Analytic Pipeline Automation


图绘破解SQL窗函数之道 Cracking the Illustrated SQL Window Function
大数据查询语句总结 SQL summary in one (updating)
层级聚类探查游戏玩家类型 Agglomerative Clustering on Detecting Types of Gamers


亚马逊云-S3与Pyspark数据载入管线 Working with AWS S3 and Pyspark with s3a filesystem
亚马逊云-创建私人云服务器工作站 Build Up a Personal Cloud Workstation using AWS Technologies
🎓收到学位证书了 Diploma received! RIT M.S. Computer Science
淘宝用户行为分析「总结」 Alibaba Taobao User Behaviors Analysis All-in-One
Alibaba Taobao User Behaviors Analysis V: User Journey purchase behavior Clustering
Alibaba Taobao User Behaviors Analysis IV: AARRR Framework (Revenue) - Sale rank, RFM model annotation
Alibaba Taobao User Behaviors Analysis III: AARRR Framework (Activation/Retention) - DAU, Retention Rate, etc
Alibaba Taobao User Behaviors Analysis II: AARRR Framework (Acquisition) - PV, UV, CVR, Funnel Plot
Alibaba Taobao User Behaviors Analysis I: Dataset(100M records) and Preprocessing
毕业项目答辩学术海报「带语音」 YOLO Project Poster Released!!! [with Audio]
Yolo性能展示 YOLO Explore Object Detection PERFORMANCES In Relation To INPUT IMAGE DETERIORATION
Yolo机制第二部分 YOLO Mechanism Part II: Training, Evaluation Metrics
Yolo机制第一部分 YOLO Mechanism Part I: Anchor Box, IoU, Confidence, NMS
Yolo背景和模型架构 YOLO Background & YOLO v4 tiny Archintecture
Yolo服务部署 YOLOv4 Deployment on AWS EC2 for Traffic/Stop Signs
Yolo脑图 Object Detection YOLO Mindmap
TensorFlow官方开发者证书 Certificate/Courses: TensorFlow Developer Certificate
吴恩达深度学习课程结业证书 Certificate/Courses: DeepLearning.AI Deep Learning Specialization Certificate


文本挖掘:项目论文报告 NLP Text Mining Project Report
文本挖掘:深度学习建模 NLP Text Mining (8/8) - NN Models (CNN, RNN encoder-decoder LSTM/GRU)
文本挖掘:机器学习建模 NLP Text Mining (7/8) - ML Models part1 (Scikit-Learn)
文本挖掘:实验 NLP Text Mining (6/8) - Experiment
文本挖掘:语言模型 NLP Text Mining (5/8) - Textual Models TF-IDF, LDA, W2V, GloVe (Gensim, NLTK, Scikit-learn)
文本挖掘:特征工程 NLP Text Mining (4/8) - Features Engineering for Regular features
文本挖掘:数据预处理 NLP Text Mining (3/8) - Preprocessing (Stemming, Lemmatization)
文本挖掘:数据集 NLP Text Mining (2/8) - Yelp Dataset
文本挖掘:项目简介 NLP Text Mining (1/8) - Project Overview
美食web应用随意脑洞 Gastronomy WebAPP + Project Roadmap + Business Inspiration
NodeJS学习笔记脑图 NodeJS Learning Notes Mindmap
JavaScript学习笔记脑图 JaveScript Learning Notes Mindmap
无服务器应用程序接口开发 Serverless App development REST API- AWS Lambda + API Gateway + DynamoDB
Scikit-learn based Data Analysis System (Programmable Web Crawler)
大数据分析课程:PCA和皮尔森相关系数 Data Mining: PCA + Pearson CC -> Feature Selection
SOAP消息协议的web服务开发 SOAP Web Service Deployment (AWS EC2, JAVA)
物联网web服务论文review:内容预定服务 IoT Web Service: Content Based Subscribe Service Paper Review
大数据分析课程:层级聚类实现 Data Mining: Agglomeration Implementation
自定义SOAP服务的开发:阿帕奇Derby Customized SOAP Web Service Development (Java + Apache Derby + Netbeans 9.0)
大数据分析课程:one rule准则 Data Mining: One Rule -> Feature Selection
Java混合web服务 Java + Mashup Web Application(AWS) consuming SOAP&REST Web Services
大数据分析课程:ROC曲线和1维分类 Data Mining: ROC curve and 1D classficication
大数据分析课程:Otus方法 Data Mining: Otsu's Method (Object + Regularization)


计算机图形学算法和渲染技术 Computer Graphics Labs (algorithms & rendering techniques)


🎓👾游戏设计与开发专业 毕业顶点项目:虚拟现实多人实时竞速射击游戏-猫咪飞车:开始 Game Design & Development Capstone Projects: VR Multiplayer Real-time Interaction Game Application