Author: Zizhun Guo & Martin Qian
Team Project Github link:
This project is an implementation of Clustering method Aggolomeration.
Core Codes:
Author: Martin Qian
def Agglomeration_Clustering(data_nodes):
Agglomeration algorithm
Starting with all elements as a single cluster
Ending with only one cluster
Returning a tree recording all middle clusters
min_dist = np.inf
count = 0
for node1 in data_nodes:
for node2 in data_nodes:
dist = distance.euclidean( ,
if dist < min_dist and dist != 0:
min_dist = dist
node_pair = node1, node2
return(Merge(data_nodes, node_pair))
Author: Martin Qian
class Agglomeration_Node:
Node definition for the agglomeration cluster
left: left child of this node
right: right child of this node
values: list of IDs that are same cluster
label: the class this node is
size: how many values are in the cluster
center: center point of the cluster
Right node's size should be smaller than left
def __init__(self, left = None, right = None, values = None):
self.left = left
self.right = right
if(left != None and right != None):
self.values = left.values+right.values = (*left.size +*right.size)\
self.label = min(left.label,right.label)
self.size = left.size + right.size
self.values = [values['ID']] = values[1:]
self.label = values['ID']
self.size = 1
import pandas as pd
# rule out ID column
column_names = df.columns[1:column_names_size]
df_new = df.iloc[:, 1:column_names_size]
# use panda package to get correlation matrix
corr = df_new.corr()
The cc matrix:
a. Which two attributes are most strongly cross-correlated with each other? ( ¼ )
Corn & Tortya
b. Which attribute is fish most strongly cross-correlated with? ( ¼ )
c. Which attribute is meat most strongly cross-correlated with? (¼)
d. Which attribute is beans most strongly cross-correlated with? (¼)
e. Which one attribute is least correlated with all other attributes? (¼)
f. Which second attribute is least correlated with all other attributes? (¼)
g. If you were to delete two attributes, which would you guess were irrelevant? (¼)
Milk & Fruit
h. If buying fish is strongly cross-correlated with buying cereal, and buying cereal is strongly crosscorrelated with buying baby products, is buying fish strongly cross-correlated with buying baby products? Can you explain this? (¼)
Yes. Buying fish is also strongly cross-correlated with buying baby products. Suppose: $cov(buying fish) = x = cos\alpha$ $cov(buying cereal) = y = cos\beta$ $cov(buying baby products) = z = cos\gamma$ Since the value of x, y and z are in range between -1 to 1 $\alpha, \beta, \gamma\in[0, \pi]$ so $cos\alpha cos\beta - sin\alpha sin\beta <= cos\gamma <= cos\alpha cos\beta + sin\alpha sin\beta$ so $cos(\alpha + \beta) <= cos\gamma <= cos(\alpha - \beta)$ so $\vert \alpha - \beta \vert <= \gamma <= min(\alpha + \beta, 2\pi - \alpha -\beta)$ This proves if the other sides from $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are at the same side of the common side which they both have (x and y are both either positive or negative), $\gamma$ has the minimal value of $\vert \alpha - \beta \vert$. $cos \gamma$ would be closer to 1.0 or -1.0 than $\alpha$ or $\beta$. If $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are on the wrong sides, $\gamma$ can still get smaller value, which makes the correlation coefficients keep strongly the same.
Final agglomeration clustering result:
Martin Qian:
I learned a lot of clustering algorithms, not only agglomeration, I also learned something about k-means, DBScan and PCA. Apart from this, I learned the importance of effeciency and code optimization as this time training the model is really time consuming. The time complecity is O(n^3) and as a matter of fact can be reduced to O(n^2) if we can backup all these distance rather than compute them again. As for data exploration itself, I have to say the data is exactly divided into 6 clusters, very clearly and explicit. When all beanches of one node is in big size, this indicating this two nodes are all complete and pure clusters.
Zizhun Guo:
What did I learn? CC can be used to determine what attributes can be discarded or not. For example, some attributes like milk and fruit attributes, they are the two attributes that are least correlated with all other attributes. The reason may come from that all customers conducted consumption would highly possible purchase these two products, which makes them less considerably matter to the clustering. So the two can be pruned before conducting the clustering algorithm in order to reduce the dimensions of the data set so that to increase the efficiencies.