Alibaba Taobao User Behaviors Analysis I: Dataset(100M records) and Preprocessing

Author: Zizhun Guo




Taobao (Chinese: 淘宝网) is a Chinese online shopping platform. It is headquartered in Hangzhou and owned by Alibaba. It is ranked as the eighth most-visited website. was registered on April 21, 2003 by Alibaba Cloud Computing (Beijing) Co., Ltd.

Taobao Marketplace facilitates consumer-to-consumer (C2C) retail by providing a platform for small businesses and individual entrepreneurs to open online stores that mainly cater to consumers in Chinese-speaking regions (Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan) and abroad,[4] which is made payable by online accounts. Its stores usually offer an express delivery service.

Alibaba Group LOGO

Dataset: User Behavior Data from Taobao for Recommendation


The dataset is collected from Tianchi - Data Science Workshop from Aliyun(阿里云)- literally means Alibaba Cloud, the cloud computing service ranked third-largest infrastucture as a service provider, right behind Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure.

User Behavior is a dataset of user behaviors from Taobao, for recommendation problem with implicit feedback. The dataset is offered by Alibaba.

File Description Feature
UserBehavior.csv All user behavior data User ID, item ID, category ID, behavior type, timestamp


We random select about 1 million users who have behaviors including click, purchase, adding item to shopping cart and item favoring during November 25 to December 03, 2017. The dataset is organized in a very similar form to MovieLens-20M, i.e., each line represents a specific user-item interaction, which consists of user ID, item ID, item’s category ID, behavior type and timestamp, separated by commas. The detailed descriptions of each field are as follows:

Field Explanation
User ID An integer, the serialized ID that represents a user
Item ID An integer, the serialized ID that represents an item
Category ID An integer, the serialized ID that represents the category which the corresponding item belongs to
Behavior type A string, enum-type from (‘pv’, ‘buy’, ‘cart’, ‘fav’)
Timestamp An integer, the timestamp of the behavior

Note that the dataset contains 4 different types of behaviors, they are

Behavior Explanation
pv Page view of an item’s detail page, equivalent to an item click
fav Purchase an item
cart Add an item to shopping cart
buy Favor an item

Dimensions of the dataset are

Dimension Number
# of users 987,994
# of items 4,162,024
# of categories 9,439
# of interactions 100,150,807

1. Dateset preprocessing

Load the CSV dataset as Spark DateFrame using Pyspark

import findspark
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

# Load csv file into spark dataframe
df ='UserBehavior.csv')

# Change field names
df = df.withColumnRenamed("_c0","user_id") \
        .withColumnRenamed("_c1","item_id") \
        .withColumnRenamed("_c2","category_id") \
        .withColumnRenamed("_c3","behavior") \

Check out the schema and partial view

 |-- user_id: string (nullable = true)
 |-- item_id: string (nullable = true)
 |-- category_id: string (nullable = true)
 |-- behavior: string (nullable = true)
 |-- timestamps: string (nullable = true)

|      1|2268318|    2520377|      pv|1511544070|
|      1|2333346|    2520771|      pv|1511561733|
|      1|2576651|     149192|      pv|1511572885|
|      1|3830808|    4181361|      pv|1511593493|
|      1|4365585|    2520377|      pv|1511596146|
|      1|4606018|    2735466|      pv|1511616481|
|      1| 230380|     411153|      pv|1511644942|
|      1|3827899|    2920476|      pv|1511713473|
|      1|3745169|    2891509|      pv|1511725471|
|      1|1531036|    2920476|      pv|1511733732|
only showing top 10 rows

Transform timestamps from Unixtime to date The original timestamp is in format of Unixtime, therefore transforming it into 6 new readable field as datetime, date, month, day, hour and dayofweek.

from pyspark.sql.functions import (dayofmonth, hour,
                                  dayofyear,month, dayofmonth,
                                  format_number, date_format, to_date, dayofweek)

df1 = df1.withColumn('date', to_date(df1.datetime)) \
            .withColumn('month', month(df1.datetime)) \
            .withColumn('day', dayofmonth(df1.datetime)) \
            .withColumn('hour', hour(df1.datetime)) \
            .withColumn('dayofweek', dayofweek(df1.datetime))  
|user_id|item_id|category_id|behavior|timestamps|           datetime|      date|month|day|hour|dayofweek|
|      1|2268318|    2520377|      pv|1511544070|2017-11-24 12:21:10|2017-11-24|   11| 24|  12|        6|
|      1|2333346|    2520771|      pv|1511561733|2017-11-24 17:15:33|2017-11-24|   11| 24|  17|        6|
|      1|2576651|     149192|      pv|1511572885|2017-11-24 20:21:25|2017-11-24|   11| 24|  20|        6|
|      1|3830808|    4181361|      pv|1511593493|2017-11-25 02:04:53|2017-11-25|   11| 25|   2|        7|
|      1|4365585|    2520377|      pv|1511596146|2017-11-25 02:49:06|2017-11-25|   11| 25|   2|        7|
|      1|4606018|    2735466|      pv|1511616481|2017-11-25 08:28:01|2017-11-25|   11| 25|   8|        7|
|      1| 230380|     411153|      pv|1511644942|2017-11-25 16:22:22|2017-11-25|   11| 25|  16|        7|
|      1|3827899|    2920476|      pv|1511713473|2017-11-26 11:24:33|2017-11-26|   11| 26|  11|        1|
|      1|3745169|    2891509|      pv|1511725471|2017-11-26 14:44:31|2017-11-26|   11| 26|  14|        1|
|      1|1531036|    2920476|      pv|1511733732|2017-11-26 17:02:12|2017-11-26|   11| 26|  17|        1|
only showing top 10 rows

Discover dataset on the range of date

SELECT Date, n_interactions
    (SELECT date as Date, COUNT(user_id) as n_interactions
    FROM taobao
    GROUP BY date
    ORDER BY date)
WHERE n_interactions > 10000
         Date  n_interactions
0  2017-11-24         3453235
1  2017-11-25        10598765
2  2017-11-26        10496631
3  2017-11-27         9985084
4  2017-11-28         9987905
5  2017-11-29        10350799
6  2017-11-30        10542266
7  2017-12-01        11712571
8  2017-12-02        14057989
9  2017-12-03         8946657

The distribution shows most of the interactions are conducted between 2017-11-24 to 2017-12-03 (10 days).

Create TempView as Taobao from records based on the distribution


Copyright @ 2021 Zizhun Guo. All Rights Reserved.

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