文本挖掘:项目简介 NLP Text Mining (1/8) - Project Overview

Author: Zizhun Guo



Text Classification of Yelp’s Category Based on Text Review

Study Overview

Machine Learning and Deep Learning has become two of the most popular Artificial Intelligence topics across the globe in recent times, especially for being proved perform well targeting Natural Language Processing (NLP) Tasks. One foundational application of task is text mining. For the purpose of acquiring the solid ML and DL techniques, we choose to conduct the text classification experiment using Yelp Dataset. Not only we can apply our text mining theories to the actual business scenario, but to understand the model’s principles in-depth to enhance our skills. In our experiments, we have both trained many classic textual models using W2V(SG/CBOW) and GloVe and feed the document representation into the ML and DL models like LR, SVM, RF, CNN, and RNN. We have also tried implementing handcraft features and using validation accuracy to compare the experimental results.


This study mainly focuses on Categorization in text mining topic, also as known text classification, which is one of the popular NLP tasks that is employed by most commercial entities. As the NLP tasks are applied in multiple individuals’ daily scenarios (i.e. user portrait classification, recommendation system, intelligent voice virtual assistant, etc.) This study is first set up in an Independent Study course, hence the goals not only seeking the solutions to the text classification task but also to practice the current text mining techniques combing with ML and NN techniques to resolve the problem. The study process includes collecting dataset, preprocessing dataset, researching, and practicing current ML and NN models, tunning the models, retrieving the results, and producing summaries. Meanwhile, the motivation also covers toolkit manipulation, coding, and engineering implementation. Hence, it is both endued the expectation in researching and engineering.

Repo Architecture

Directory File About
dataset README.md Introduing the dataset used in the study
  IS_new.csv Lemmatized dataset
  IS.csv Stemmed dataset
experiment README.md Giving the part of exact experiment details (more in README in ML_models and NN_models)
  run_ML.py, run_RNN.py  
images   Containing all README images
ML_models README.md Giving the Machine Learning models details including the theory, parameters tuning, implementation.
NN_models (important) README.md 1. Containing the detail information of the Neural Network models including Kim’s CNN model for text classification, RNN encoder model using GRU/LSTM memory unit implemented by TensorFlow Keras; 2. Illustrating models’ architectures, parameter’s tuning process and implementation summary
  create_CNN_model.py, create_RNN_model.py,tuning_CNN_model.py  
plot   Containing the methods to draw figure
preprocessing README.md The view of the preprocessed dataset
textual_models (important) README.md 1. Containing the report on the training/testing/tuning processes for W2V(SG/CBOW)/GloVe models using Gensim library; 2. Including the summary of the embedding models comparison and implementation; 3. Three self-trained models/Word Vectors and One pretrained Stanford GloVe 42b 300d word vectors
  cbow_model.bin CBOW model trained and saved by Gensim Word2Vec library
  sg_model.bin SG model trained and saved by Gensim Word2Vec library
  glove_wv.bin GloVe word embeddings trained by Stanford GloVe program
  Stanford_glove.bin Pretrained Stanford 42B300d Word Embeddings
  init_w2v_glove.py, tuning_glove.py,tuning_w2v.py,_lda.py,_tf-idf.py  
regular_features README.md The method to extract the handcraft features
tools old_report.md A sumary on data reading and converting
  files_read.py, statistics.py  

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