Author: Zizhun Guo & Martin Qian
Team Project Link:
Data format used for this project:
Author: Zizhun Guo
def CC_analysis(data):
Using correlation coefficient to analyze data
CC_mat = data.loc[:, data.columns != 'Class'].corrwith(data['Class'])
CC_mat = CC_mat.apply(lambda x: round(x, 3))
return CC_mat
# CC results
Age -0.283
Ht -0.010
TailLn -0.266
HairLn -0.095
BangLn 0.203
Reach -0.092
EarLobes 0.043
TailLessHair -0.222
TailLessBang -0.340
ShagFactor -0.515
TailAndHair -0.259
TailAndBangs -0.159
HairAndBangs 0.049
AllLengths -0.157
ApeFactor -0.537
HeightLessAge 0.193
dtype: float64
Feature1: ApeFactor; CC = -0.537 Feature2: BangLn; CC = 0.203
So the projection vector should be the vector from the center of the attribute ApeFactor to the center of the BangLn
Author: Martin Qian
'm-' , label = 'projection vector')
x = range(2 , 8)
Dicision boundry is the vertical line of thr projection vector.
plt.plot(x, -(CA[0]-CB[0])/(CA[1]-CB[1]+0.)*(x-(CA[0]+CB[0])/2.)+(CA[1]+CB[1])/2. ,\
'k-', label='decision boundry')
Author: Zizhun Guo
def feature_selection_using_CC(CC_mat, data):
using CC to select two features that has the greatest abs and has opposite sign
using LDA to test Accuracy
print("cross correlation matrix:\n" + str(CC_mat))
# assign the feature by abs sort and choose the greates
feature1 = CC_mat.abs().sort_values(ascending=False).index[0]
if CC_mat[feature1] < 0:
feature2 = CC_mat.sort_values(ascending=False).index[0]
feature2 = CC_mat.sort_values(ascending=True).index[0]
print(str(feature1) +' '+ str(feature2) + ' Selected')
plot(data, feature1, feature2)
# LDA classify the trainning data
clf = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(solver = 'eigen', n_components = 1)[: ,[feature1, feature2]], data['Class'])
curr_score = clf.score(data.loc[: ,[feature1, feature2]], data['Class'])
print("Accuracy for these features:"+ str(round(curr_score, 3)))
Results (Accuracy for this classifier): 0.753
Author: Martin Qian
def BFS_analysis(data):
Using Brute Force Search to analyze data
score = 0
score_second = 0
for feature1 in data.columns:
for feature2 in data.columns:
if feature1 != feature2 and feature1 != 'Class' and feature2 != 'Class':
# LDA classifier
clf = LinearDiscriminantAnalysis(solver = 'eigen', n_components = 1)[: ,[feature1, feature2]], data['Class'])
curr_score = clf.score(data.loc[: ,[feature1, feature2]], data['Class'])
if( curr_score > score):
score_second = score
score = curr_score
features = [feature1 , feature2]
best_clf = clf
return features, score, best_clf
So the highest score is achieved with the following features Feature1: ShagFactor Feature2: ApeFactor
Results (Accuracy): 0.817
Best: 0.817 Second Best: 0.778
pca = PCA(n_components = 7)[:, data.columns != 'Class'])
print("eigen vectors of PCA\n"+str(pca.components_))
print("singular values of PCA\n"+str(pca.singular_values_))
[[-0.023 -0.58 -0.046 -0.006 -0.004 -0.582 -0.003 -0.041 -0.042 -0.001
-0.052 -0.051 -0.01 -0.056 -0.002 -0.557]
[ 0.723 0.19 0.128 0.019 -0.005 0.227 0.003 0.109 0.133 0.023
0.147 0.123 0.014 0.142 0.037 -0.533]
[-0.249 -0.146 0.335 0.093 0.077 -0.133 0.002 0.241 0.258 0.017
0.428 0.411 0.17 0.505 0.012 0.103]
[ 0.066 0.041 -0.21 0.269 0.25 0.012 -0.02 -0.479 -0.46 0.019
0.06 0.041 0.52 0.31 -0.03 -0.025]
[-0.183 -0.309 -0.02 0.102 -0.093 0.441 -0.011 -0.123 0.073 0.196
0.082 -0.114 0.009 -0.012 0.75 -0.125]
[ 0.037 0.095 -0.001 0.288 -0.312 -0.15 0.006 -0.289 0.311 0.6
0.287 -0.314 -0.024 -0.026 -0.245 0.058]
[-0.003 -0.005 -0.006 0.005 0.006 0.003 0. -0.01 -0.011 -0.001
-0.001 0. 0.01 0.005 0.009 -0.003]]
[931.941 573.253 457.488 260.495 109.357 62.967 10.034]
First of all, by the definition of the Principal Components, the eigen vector with the greater singular values works as a better vector to project and have a better effect on seprating the data. Secondly, the eigen vector stands for the coefficient multipled by the features of raw data, so apparently, the more its absolute value is, the more importance the corresponding feature has. However, we know that PCA is used to do dimension reduction. At the same time, we only have 6 features at first and the rest are the linear combinations of these 6 features. As the results, these new feature should have no impact on the final eigenvectors. (Because the rank of the data is 6, it would break mathematic rules if it has more than 6 eigen vectors. So the result also supprted my opinion as eigen vectors that are more than 6 are nearly all 0s)
Since the first two singular values are the greatest among all, project the data onto the first two Principal Components.
On the other hand, I also get the projection scatter plot with only original dataset as following. And these two graphs are quite similar(if we ratote one of them by 180 degrees we can see distribution similarity).
theta, rho = Gradient_Descent__Fit_Through_a_Line_v100(\
[data[features[0]],data[features[1]],data['Class']] , 62.7, 11.2 ,4.5)
By calling the method from HW8 and modifying their parameters( 62.7 is initial theta, 11.2 is initial rho and 4.5 is initial alpha, they can be calculated mannually with two centers of selected features), we could use gradient descent for this question. We set the loss function as the misclassification rate. The initial features we selected are ApeFactor and ShagFactor, we believe they are more reasonable since firstly their correlaton coefficients’ absolute are the greatest, though both are negative; secondly they are selected as the features from the brute force algo part.
starting point:0.458 * x + 0.889 * y = 11.2(theta = 62.7)
final result: 0.781 * x + 0.6241 * y + -6.09 = 0
Accuracy is 0.817
The results are interesting, since the accuracy the model produced is very closed to the one given by the Linear Discriminant Analysis. So we believe this is the limitation linear classifier that can achieve on this dataset.
Done by all works above, the final classifier that was chosen by us is the decision boudary conducted by the gradient descent algorithm, since it provides the highest accuracy in the prediction task on the unclassified dataset.