Author: Zizhun Guo
This repository collects all homework and projects of 2020 Spring RIT Computer Science Master’s level course - CSCI-720-Big-Data Analytics.
Projects and Course ongoing Keep updating!
The point of Otus Method is to find the best splitting point by selecting one with minimal cost. Cost = Objective + Regularization
data_ages= np.floor(df_snowfolks_data_raw['Age'] / 2) * 2
best_cost = np.inf # best cost
best_threshold = start # best splitting point
while start <= end:
wt_left = np.sum(data[data < start])/np.sum(data) # fraction left
wt_right = np.sum(data[data >= start])/np.sum(data) # fration right
wt_var_left = np.var(data[data < start]) # variance left
wt_var_right = np.var(data[data >= start]) # variance right
mixed_variance = wt_left * wt_var_left \
+ wt_right * wt_var_right # mixed variance
if is_regularization:
mix_cost = mixed_variance \
+ abs(np.sum(data[data < start]) \
- np.sum(data[data >= start])) \
/ 100 * alpha # assign mixed cost to otsu' cost
mix_cost = mixed_variance # assign mixed variance to otsu' cost
if (mix_cost <= best_cost): # assign the minimal mixed cost as otsu' cost
best_cost = mix_cost
best_threshold = start
start += offset # splitting point moves on
As results showed, it is easy to see at this point, the cost is the lowest. But, in industrial project, with the size of data being extremely huge. The differences between objects could be tiny which may cause the splitting points swinging in a wide interval. So in order to break tie, the Regularization should be carefully made up for better performance.
This home is about writing a Mentor program that runs it to produce a Trained program which can read a CSV file in current directory and output its number of rows and columns. The empty rows and columns shall be ignored. The programs were written in Python, with IDE of VScode and Anaconda Jupyton Notebook for visual testing. The packages used are Pandas, Numpys.
“No repeatable work” - That is what I learned from this task. Told by my professor, this thought is extremely useful for industrial works. When there are big size data set to train, mentor program can be put in the clouds so that let server train the program, once it returns the trained model, it can be directly use for doing prediction with parameters well set.
# Writes in CSV file name to trained program
if "fileToRead" in trainedinfo.keys():
str += f"\n\tdf = pd.read_csv(\"{trainedinfo['fileToRead']}\")"
str += f"\n\trow_count = df.shape[0]+ 1 # must exist headers if a row is read as the headers"
str += f"\n\tcolumn_count = df.shape[1] # default count the size of columns"
str += f"\n\tfor row_index in range(0, df.shape[0]):"
str += f"\n\t\tcolumn_index = 0"
str += f"\n\t\tfor j in range(0, df.shape[1]):"
str += f"\n\t\t\tif pd.isna(df.iloc[row_index, column_index]):"
str += f"\n\t\t\t\tcolumn_index += 1"
str += f"\n\t\tif column_index == df.shape[1]: # if all elements are NaN"
str += f"\n\t\t\trow_count -= 1"
str += f"\n\tfor column in df.columns:"
str += f"\n\t\tif(df[column].dropna().empty):"
str += f"\n\t\t\tcolumn_count -= 1"
str += f"\n\tprint(\"rows: \" + str(row_count)) # number of rows"
str += f"\n\tprint(\"columns: \" + str(column_count)) # number of columns including headers"
df = pd.read_csv("A_DATA_FILE.csv") # read dataframe from the given CSV file
print("rows: " + str(df.shape[1])) # number of rows
print("columns: " + str(df.shape[0] + 1)) # number of columns including headers
row_count = df4.shape[0]+ 1
column_count = df4.shape[1]
for row_index in range(0, df4.shape[0]):
column_index = 0
for j in range(0, df4.shape[1]):
if pd.isna(df4.iloc[row_index, column_index]):
count += 1
if count == df4.shape[1]: # if all elements are NaN
row_count -= 1 #
for column in df4.columns:
column_count -= 1
print("rows: " + str(df.shape[1])) # number of rows
print("columns: " + str(df.shape[0] + 1)) # number of columns including headers
All rights reserved. The shared programs provided in this repo are only meant for referencing and demonstration. Do not copy and share to other usage as homework for other courses, which would cause academic dishonesty. Please be advised.